I'm always seeing you as a perfect men Even when you're always be the reason behind every heartbreak I'm always craving for your bittersweet smile Oh God, can you please make me see it every single day? I always wonder And keep asking question Why do everyhting between us should happen in the first place? I'm so obsessed about every single thing in you I hate you that much that I can't handle not to love you even more I hate what you do to me that makes me fall even deeper each day I wanna be with your soul I wanna blow away your sorrow, I know you are in I can read the sadness behind your never ending laugh I do JEALOUS with every posibbility That you may love another I want you that bad And please answer me Why? It happens? To us? And my answer is: because I love you in the first place, mas.
Still trying to recognize everything in life.